What Are the Common Stomach Issues Symptoms?
Have you experienced stomach discomfort, from bloatedness to gas to a burning sensation? It may be your body's way of telling you that many things are going on with your digestion. Whether it's from stress, diet, or an underlying condition, knowing these signs will enable you to find the cause of your discomfort. Now, let's talk about general signs that indicate stomach problems and also discuss some ways that this can be controlled.
Common Stomach Issues Symptoms
Here are some issues of stomach. These common signs indicate that you are suffering from a stomach issue.
Stomach Heat Symptoms
Stomach heat generally occurs due to excessive spicy or fried food consumption. It gives rise to a burning sensation, indigestion, and even restlessness. People with stomach heat may experience an increase in thirst and general irritability.
Stomach Ki Garmi Symptoms
In Urdu, "stomach ki garmi" refers to a problem somewhat similar to stomach heat but derives from the traditional theory of digestion. The symptoms include a burning or heat sensation in the stomach, an increase in body temperature, and excessive sweating. Foods made with spices and oils provoke the disease, and diet modification is considerably vital for respite.
High and Low Stomach Acid Symptoms
With too much stomach acid, symptoms can include frequent heartburn, acid reflux, and a sour taste in the mouth. In such cases, big meals or lying down, especially at night, usually make it worse. On the other hand, low stomach acid can give you bloating, gas, and undigested food in your stool. This will surely bring you a lot of discomfort and nutrient deficiencies since the body cannot digest food properly.
Stomach Anxiety Symptoms
Stomach anxiety most often occurs when you are stressed or feeling anxious and usually causes nausea, cramping, and stomach pain. Anxiety-related stomach problems can also cause appetite disturbances.
Stomach Gas Pain Symptoms
This usually happens when too much gas builds up in the digestive system, often from swallowing air or digesting certain foods. You might feel bloated, have sharp pains in your belly, and feel uncomfortable. Although it’s painful, it usually doesn't last long.
Stomach Bleeding Symptoms
Severe stomach bleeding is a serious condition, and this includes vomiting blood or even black tarry stools. Often caused by stomach ulcers or gastritis, and is important that you see medical help if these signs are present.
How to Prevent Stomach Problems?
You can prevent these issues by following given instruction.
Change Your Diet
Foods that are spicy or fried, or those that tend to cause gas will increase heat, gas, and acid reflux symptoms in the body. A diet of vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains will ensure healthy digestion.
Manage Stress and Anxiety
Stress avoidance is the first step to avoid stomach anxiety. You might incorporate relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises to soften the blow of stress on your digestive system.
Stay Hydrated
Adequate intake of water throughout the day will prevent the symptoms associated with stomach heat and low stomach acid.